Friday, January 25, 2013

University Of Allahabad : Students and Officials

Friends, we are having some drizzling news by electronic media and print media about mishap between students and officials in Allahabad University. News which are late as well as masqueraded . Masqueraded in the sense that the route of the problem is a thing which is never disclosed.The conflict has taken place in Allahabad University had just one issue of evacuating all the university hostels immediately after the exams for the ongoing academic session get over.
Against the decision students were on a peaceful strike.On 26th April 2012 there was dead face of democracy since tear gas, bombs,batons and air firing were used by police on the students to suppress their voice.University officials are saying that eviction of hostelers is mandatory to get rid of illegal students in Allahabad University.
Here are some of mine views on this issue:-
  • It is responsibility of the officials to keep a record of Students whether they have paid the hostel fee properly that is to identify the illegal students. Now officials are blindly evacuating all the hostels irrespective of the records.
  • Allahabad University is a central university and has students from remote and distant areas of the country. So in this short period of notice how can they search new rooms, P.G. or private hostel .In that case just imagine the security issues of the girls.
  • Upcoming months are packed with the competitive exams for most of the students.In such situations those students can pay summer fee since there is proper provision of that in the university. In spite of that if such bureaucracy will be shown by the officials then there would be worst effects on student's preparation. 
  • Officials are talking about filing FIR and taking strict administrative steps against students. Had they ever thought to visit the students who were beaten abruptly till unconsciousness. Not just boys but girls were also beaten and treated roughly.What a brave persons were there in police/force who fought the unarmed country's future.Bravo !
  •  This misery is about two weeks old but during high level involvement ,media didn't raise their voice and now news are having statements of the officials blaming students only. There are photographs of a burning bus but not a single photograph of police taking charge on helpless students or students admitted to the hospitals. Some of them are seriously injured.
  • Student union was already dissolved by the officials. Though the student union has always been a moot point, but in such cases there is no any strong representative of the students voice.

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