Friday, January 25, 2013

India against India

I read about the campaign “India against corruption”. I think it’s more like “India against India”. The one fed up with corruption from root to top in country and the one enjoying the power in hands and black money in pockets. Corruption in India involves mammoth money and accused persons are on high responsible posts. It is interesting to see this debacle. 
A country is not just a country it is a well defined system. We all are part of this system. A citizen is the unit of the country. A person sitting on a responsible post is elected by us and is one of us. If he is corrupt then the respective system is corrupt. If you are eligible and haven’t voted then you have no right to blame the person. Today if you are giving bribe to some officer to process your application faster; tomorrow when you will be there, most probably you will do the same. If Anna Hazare’s effort brings Jan Lokpal Bill in India, then the persons in the Jan Lokpal will also be one of us. Are you sure that they will not be corrupted? So just making bills and laws is not the complete solution. To make them running effectively is in hand of respective responsible person, which is one us. So this time demands to check ourselves. A Country develops as its countrymen want to develop it. Participate honestly to build the nation.

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